
Simple Guide to Markdown in DREAM.page

Sloppy Joe
December 30, 2022

DREAM.page uses a simple format called markdown to allow you to quickly and easily create content with basic formatting (such as bold and italic text).

Our editor exposes all of the basic markdown formatting options as toolbar buttons, so all you’ll need to do is select some text and click these to add the markdown syntax for the formatting you want. Try it, and press the escape key to toggle between your markdown and the published version and you’ll see how easy it all really is.

We also support basic HTML syntax as well, so if you already know some HTML, you can use that as well.

Basic markdown syntax

To trigger bold, simply type two asterisks on either side of the word or phrase, like so: **bold**.

For italics, use an underscore on either side of the word or phrase: _italic_.

If you’re wanting to add a link like this, use the following format: [link like this](https://DREAM.page).

To add an image, use this format: ![Image](https://i.picsum.photos/id/237/536/354.jpg?hmac=i0yVXW1ORpyCZpQ-CknuyV-jbtU7_x9EBQVhvT5aRr0). Here’s that image: Image

To create a heading, add a blank line and then start a new line with the pound sign, followed by the text you want to appear as the heading, like this:

# Heading 1

For smaller headers, try adding more pounds signs like this:
### Heading 3

To add a blockquote, start the line with a right angle bracket, like this:
> To be or not to be, that is the question

That will look like this:

To be or not to be, that is the question

For bullet lists, add a blank line and then start a new line with a hyphen, like this:

- Bullet list item 1
- Bullet list item 2

That will look like this:

  • Bullet list item 1
  • Bullet list item 2

To create a numbered list, start the line with a number, followed by a period: 1. Numbered list.

Custom syntax

We’ve added a few fun options to help you be more expressive.

To make words appear in a rainbow of colors, just add <rainbow> before the text and </rainbow> after.

To redact part of █████ make it look confidential, just add <redacted> before the text and </redacted> after.

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